How can I show people’s contrasting and unique relationships with food? Food can empower yet can constrain. For my portfolio, I captured cultural foods, connections made with food, and still unhealthy habits. Coming to boarding school from across the world I noticed a lot of different eating habits, favorite foods, and cultural significance. I felt like an outsider looking in while having my own strong opinions on certain foods. I wanted to be able to capture the uniqueness of one’s relationship with food.
I learned that everybody has a special relationship with food. To portray this, I experimented with a variety of mediums: painting with condiments(9), fish tank photography(5), and blending images in Photoshop (3). I shot street photography (1,7) many times so I could practice the best angles and times to shoot. A big part of my portfolio was editing, hence I had to revise edits, for example, the collages or masking techniques that made my ideas for my portfolio come to life but took revision, practice, and experimentation.